Thursday, August 7, 2008
Hey Guys...
Posted by Anonymous at 12:49 PM 85 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Hey Guys..
Its Roxy, I'm not coming back to this blog...i just have tooo much things going on...
But i might stop in occassionaly...
Posted by Roxy at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Hey Guys! Back Again! We Have Been Nominated!
Most Likely than not...I am not coming back to this blog (most of you guys don't remember me..but I use to be a frequent webmaster here) least for a long time! I am co-webbing at another blog Ive been with for about maybe two years now, and my own site High School Musical 2 Mania, which is moving on to bigger and better things! See for yourself here!
But that's not what I came for. Originally, I was going to come back and re-vamp this site: new layout, new music, new everything! But, Ive been busier than ever and Roxy seemed to have changed the layout already...but that's a good thing! You know why? Because Music and Media has been nominated as having one of the best banners on the Teen Blog Awards! You can view the other nominees (including myself) on TBA! Congratulations!
Posted by Anonymous at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Did anyone see Camp Rock yet?
I have to say, I thought the movie wasn't going to be that good, but it turned out to be awesome! I don't think it's gonna be a international smash like High School Musical was, but it's bound to be a hit! My favorite character have to be Demi Lovato's character and Kevin's character. I have the iPod movie but I'ma post it tomorrow for anyone who hasn't downloaded it already.
Posted by Jason at 10:46 PM 15 comments
I HOPE NOT! But it seems thats they way its headed again...I guess we'll just have to see what happens...
Posted by Roxy at 1:56 PM 65 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
1. The Countdown
2. Leave It All to Me (Theme from iCarly)
3. What's Next, Baby?
4. Stay My Baby
5. About Me?
6. About You Now
7. Build-A-Bra
8. Beautiful Girls (Nickelodeon Mix)
9. Sam's Second Toe
10. I Don't Wanna Be In Love
11. Locked In The Closet
12. I Like That Girl
13. We Hated Your Girlfriend
14. Girlfriend (Nickelodeon Mix)
15. Blueberry Belly Button
16. Freckles
17. Gas Station Snacks
18. Face In The Hall
19. You Can't Do That!
20. Let's Hear It For The Boy
Posted by Roxy at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
" Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas "
Part 1 - Part 1 [sendspace]
Sorry It Took So Long,
Posted by Roxy at 8:11 PM 0 comments
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