Monday, October 29, 2007

More Bad News...But No Worries!

Hey Guys! Its Cody from HSM2 Mania!
Due to some serious spyware problems and me trying to prepare to apply to colleges, ALL of my blogs will be at a Hiatus, including this one...possibly indefinite. I will not be permanetly leaving, I just don't know when I'll be back! HSM2 Mania is going through a serious layout change, and may close due to my lack of time, plus I have more ideas regarding a new site and some projects I will be launching instead that regard some of my own musical work of my own and stuff from HSM2 , as well as some HSM3 stuff that should come as time progresses, however,....if you want to request any HSM Media, please go to
There, and only there will I be able to assist you at this time. I will hopefully be back to bring you news on my decision and my future endeavors online...
Until then, I am very sorry for the inconvenience and hope to talk with you all soon!
Thanks everyone!


Music Player
